Values and purpose matter

Values and purpose matter

I was thinking earlier that every business I know that is surviving and thriving in this crazy old world we’re living in right now has crystal clear values and a well-defined purpose.

No matter what the circumstances – and these are pretty unique ones right now – people working in these great companies know how to react and respond to each other because there’s an expectation they’ll live shared values and know their core purpose.

Most were hired because their values and purposes have been clearly defined from the outset – so it’s to be expected they will live and breathe them. That means they’re suited to not just ‘what’ the business does, but also ‘how’ and ‘why’ it does it.

Combined, clearly defined values and purpose provide the foundations for not only people’s behaviours, but their daily actions too.

Purpose-driven agency

Working with businesses like this gives us clarity as extensions of their teams. Clear values and purpose are useful not only to define what we do, but our ideas and the communications we deliver to support them – be it internal communications, strategic counsel, digital PR, great content, or social engagement and interactions.

It’s becoming obvious now that purpose matters more than it ever has. Lee and I probably took a while to truly understand the value of this for our own business and team, but we have this crystal clear in our minds for No Brainer now.

Our purpose is: We create meaningful change. We do that for our clients, each other and the wider world.

For our clients and prospects, this ‘change’ is often centred on solving problems – we help them change something that needs changing. That could be evolving their digital marketing, strengthening brand resonance in their core or target markets, or delivering new business and sales.

For every client, the definition of what ‘change’ is will vary. But then so does our strategy. For each client we’ll always nuance the way we activate our social media, content, marketing and digital PR activities. An out the box solution is firmly out the window in today’s world.

Change is inevitable and helping people adapt to it in their own worlds can be purposeful, but also profitable – for us and for them.

Meaningful is also something we live by. It’s easy for us to create vanity profile that looks great on or in a newspaper (who doesn’t love a feature in a national newspaper or magazine?) – but is this having a meaningful impact on their teams and business? If it isn’t, is the strategy right?

For us, getting that right is central to everything – we want to show a return on investment through results and we work hard to align our work with the stuff that really matters for each and every client. That’s always different, but always important.

It’s the way we’re WIRED

As for our core values, we used the brain and our location to define exactly ‘how’ we expect our team to be.

Warrington, where we’re based, is the home of wire-making. The human brain – the inspiration behind our ‘Creative Intelligence’ model – provides the wiring that helps each of us survive and thrive as individuals. WIRED stands for:

We, not I

This means we work with partners and collaborators, not paymasters. We are an extension of those people and companies who choose to put their faith in us.

We strive for the greater good for each other – our team, clients and communities – not our own self-interests, and our team is everything. We win together, we celebrate together.

Ideas people

We’re renowned for being consistently proactive, always developing new and creative ideas and concepts for clients.

We also explore innovation in our field, and we’re prepared to push boundaries with new ideas that our clients and ourselves can learn from.


We demand results – always. That means we deliver meaningful outcomes, not just outputs. We’re left brain thinkers and we are constantly measuring our impact to prove ROI through our work.

We bake measurement into our client experience from day one – they know we’re measuring the stuff that matters and working with them to adapt our strategies with the power of this knowledge.

Excellence as standard

We may not get everything perfect, every time, but we certainly aim to. We commit to exploring ours and our clients’ markets constantly, so we can learn from those who are doing things differently to us.

We work smartly and commit to excellence in all we do, and that means we have routines and processes that give us the best shot at achieving the highest standards.

Do the right thing

For us, reputation outweighs profit, every time. We don’t talk down to each other – we respect each other as equals, and that includes our clients, suppliers, partners… Everyone.

We want to ensure we’re giving back as much as we’re gaining, so we will always aim to help those that need guidance and support from us.

We’re approachable and supportive – whether that’s to fellow PR, social media and marketing experts, businesses, clients, prospects and anyone else.

What’s your purpose?

Let us know what your values and purpose are? We’d love to hear about how you’re living these or putting them at the centre of your own business.

Picture of Gary Jenkins

Gary Jenkins

I’ve been a journalist and PR leader, working with high growth start-ups to complex multi-million-pound businesses for more than 20 years. My heart lies in landing brilliant international and national coverage for clients and helping take strategy through to delivery and seeing the results!

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