Our PRmoment… so far!

When Lee and I set up No Brainer just 23 months ago we never thought we’d be running our home town’s best young business, and the PR industry’s best new agency in the north of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Two years ago Lee and I gave up our respective agency and corporate PR careers – despite having two young families – to follow a dream.

We set up No Brainer with no investment and no client base. It was a risk without a doubt.

But we had hope and belief. And we had a joint commitment to give every last ounce of effort to achieve success.

But, as anyone who has set up their own company knows, all this means absolutely nothing unless you have a product or service that appeals to other companies or individuals.

So we decided to build a business around the dreams of our clients. And not our own.

We decided to build a business focused on story-telling that helps companies big and small achieve results – real outcomes – and not just outputs and vanity metrics as so many others have done over the years.

We decided to give the people who were prepared to take a chance on us the hope and belief that the world cares about their companies just as much as we do.

And we promised each and every one of them we’d give them everything we had in terms of commitment and effort. And we always will.

Last week we were given the honour of being named the north of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland’s ‘New Agency of the Year’ in the PRmoment awards. We’ve been nominated for some great awards so far, but this was a genuine ‘PRmoment’ for us and we were thankful, but also incredibly grateful.

We’re grateful because everything we’ve earned so far has been because of the faith and trust of so many people.

Our team, in particular Hannah, Steve and Helen. You are all amazing and we, quite literally, couldn’t function without you.

We’re grateful to everyone at the 19 clients we’ve secured since that first day of business back in 2015 for believing in us. John, Stella, Saima, Sarah, Rachael, Charlotte, Mark, Ali, Gemma, Julie, Carl, Jonny, Alison, Jonny, Tanya, Lisa, Michelle, Prague, Natalie, Jamie, Jonny, Rita, Dean…the list could go on! We share this award with each of you.

And we’re grateful for the support of our families, in particular our wives and children who have to put up with daddy doing plenty of long hours and late nights.

You make these dreams worth fighting for.

Picture of Gary Jenkins

Gary Jenkins

I’ve been a journalist and PR leader, working with high growth start-ups to complex multi-million-pound businesses for more than 20 years. My heart lies in landing brilliant international and national coverage for clients and helping take strategy through to delivery and seeing the results!

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